Ella Umoye's Articles

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Why is Perry The Platypus in Phineas and Ferb So Iconic

Electroreception is the ability of organisms to detect naturally occurring electric signals in their environment. It is observed in some vertebrates including electric fishes and monotremes (e.g Platypus). Electroreception was initially discovered by Hans W. Lissman after observing weak electric discharges from the tail of an African Freshwater fish.....

Can HyperSpectral Imaging Prevent Food Waste?

First, what is hyperspectral imaging (HSI)? Hyperspectral imaging is the process of collecting and analyzing information from across the electromagnetic spectrum. In simple terms, it’s the process of observing a scene, image, or object closely to analyze the spectrum of each pixel of the image for detecting foreign objects.....

Eye Memory Desensitization and Reprocessing

EMDR, also known as Eye Memory Desensitization and Reprocessing is a Psychotherapy treatment that involves a client overcoming the impact of a traumatic event through them recalling that memory while observing an external stimulus. These external stimuli can be lateral movements of the therapist's finger or a light tapping sound.